The Corona Golden Elite Youth Track and Field Club

Corona Youth Track Running Club - Speed and Agility Training To Compete or Just To Get Fit!             “Learn by Doing”

Southern Section USA Track and Field member club

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Thank you for your support of The Golden Elite Track & Field Club®. Your donation will help us inspire positive changes and transform the lives of kids with Olympic Dreams, forever.                   

Contact Coach J at 951-444-8676

Our organization exists only by the many dedicated volunteers and community partners and individuals in-kind donation giving their time coaching and administering, and  financially sponsoring our program to help offset the growing costs of equipment, facilities use, travel, and awards, to name of few. Your support is essential to each child who wants to participate in the program.

Our philosophy "Learn By Doing " summarizes our vision.
Your contribution helps realize this mission.
Again, thank you for supporting your community and help to build a better tomorrow.


It is the intention of the Corona Golden Elite Track & Field Club® Foundation of America  that any funds raised will be expended and/or distributed consistent with the original intent and wishes of the donor. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Foundation reserves the right to use and/or distribute the funds raised in whatever manner it deems appropriate, if, after reasonable review, the Foundation determines in its sole discretion that such funds are needed and/or would be better utilized in others ways in furtherance of Foundation’s charitable mission.